THE School

School Honour

British Chamber British School Awards 2021 – Finalist for ‘Diversity and Inclusive’

British Chamber China School Awards 2022 – Finalist for ‘Staff Development and Wellbeing

2022 Forbes China’s Outstanding International School (Ranked 29th by Forbes ·China’s Internationalised Schools Selection)

2023 Forbes China’s Outstanding International School (Ranked 27th by Forbes – China’s by Forbes ·China’s Internationalised Schools Selection)

2023 Kinglead Most Valuable Brand List AAAA Grade School

2023 The Fifth Emerging International Schools by New School Insight

2024 Forbes China Internationalised Bilingual School Ranking 38

2024 Top 10 International Schools with Humanistic Characteristics in China by KingLead

Tina Quan

Teaching Assistant

Tina graduated from Worcester University. She has over 5 years teaching experience. In Tina’s opinion, teachers should be students’ friends as well as their masters. A teacher is a person knowledgeable also a good sample for students.​