Parental Engagement

The relationship between the AISL Harrow Early Years Centre and the child’s parent is a vital part of ensuring that each child is secure and therefore successful. A constructive and open dialogue is vital to ensure that the child’s wellbeing, development and progress are fully understood and supported by everyone. We ensure that parents are kept fully informed of how their child is progressing and how this can be most effectively supported in the home environment.

Harrow Little Lion’s vibrant community includes not only teachers and students from all over the world, but also many treasured “parents”! Parents who have graduated from top universities such as Stanford and Cambridge, as well as diplomats from embassies in Nanning, executives from major corporations and expatriate experts, are not only supporters of the children’s development, but also indispensable members of this big family.

The school regularly organises colourful parent-child activities in which the parents are not just spectators but active participants. They share their valuable experience of educating their children, contributing to the community and setting an example for their children of what excellence looks like.